Children are absorbent to the technological world that surrounds them. At Sandhurst Primary we hope to help guide and help children develop the skills and knowledge in computing through a relevant, practical and ambitious curriculum. Our curriculum is sequenced coherently to ensure progression for all pupils. We want all children to have the foundation to use technology with confidence and understanding of the key concepts and skills needed to navigate and engage with the digital world safely.
In the EYFS, we encourage the children to explore technology through role-play, programming toys, practical equipment and lots of talk.

In Key Stage One, the children start to understand more computing ideas such as creating and debugging simple programs, using technology purposefully to create and manipulate digital content and continuing to use technology safely and respectfully.
In Key Stage Two, we continue to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology safely, responsibly and effectively. We want our pupils to be creators and our broad curriculum in Key Stage Two incorporates digital literacy, computer science and information technology – demonstrating the vast experiences we give. We want our pupils to understand how to use technology effectively and positively and be prepared for a world of technology (including social media) through consistent and effective E-Safety sessions. We recognise that best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. Building our knowledge in this subject will allow pupils to effectively demonstrate their learning through creative use of technology.

We recognise that technology can allow pupils to share their learning in innovative ways. We also understand the accessibility opportunities technology can provide for our pupils. Our curriculum provides a wealth of knowledge but we recognise that this has to be balanced with the opportunity for pupils to apply their knowledge creatively which will in turn help our pupils become skillful computer scientists. We want our pupils to be fluent with a range of tools to best express their understanding and hope by Upper Key Stage 2, children have the independence and confidence to choose the best tool to fulfil the task and challenge set by teachers.