Our Governors

Introducing our Sandhurst Primary School Governing Board


Along with Rebecca Dove, our Headteacher, we’re the Governing Board of Sandhurst Primary School. Our Board consists of parents, staff, local community representatives and Local Authority appointees. Some of us served on the former Infant and Junior Governing Boards and others are relatively new to the post.

Our role is to support and challenge the school – rather like a critical friend – to ensure continual improvements to the education of all our pupils. Together with school leaders and staff, we want all children at Sandhurst to make excellent progress and have excellent experiences in a safe and caring environment.

We’re all volunteers and we all feel extremely proud and privileged to be able to serve the school in this way.

Who we are 

Sophie Smith (Chair of Governors)

Hi, I’m Sophie Smith, Chair of Governors of Sandhurst Primary School, and I am a member of our Teaching & Learning and Resources Committees.  I am also one of our literacy link governors.  I have been a governor for over 10 years, originally as a community governor as I am a local resident, and now as a co-opted governor and I am excited to be part of the Governing Board as we move forward as a whole school. I am a solicitor with GT Stewart Solicitors Ltd, a firm based in south London, and I specialise in the area of criminal defence.  In my career I have seen the difference in life chances a person has when they have had the benefit of a good education against the difficulties they often face without such an education and I am passionate about every child receiving the best education they possibly can.

Mel Church (Local Authority, Vice Chair of Governors)

I have been a governor for over 30 years initially as a parent governor and now a local authority governor.  When Sandhurst was two separate schools I was a on both Governing Bodies. In the past I have served as both Chair of Governors and Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee. At present I am Vice Chair of Governors as well as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Safeguarding link governor.

I am committed to a school with an ethos of working hard to deliver the very best for all our children. A school that offers a board, balanced and creative curriculum and children who leave with a positive attitude for learning.

Rachael Peddie (Co-Opted Governor)

Hi, my name is Rachael, and I have been a governor at Sandhurst for over 10 years.  I was originally a parent governor, first for the Infants, then the Juniors, and finally the Primary School!  Now my children are no longer at the school, I am a co-opted governor.  Both my children attended Sandhurst, and I am proud to be able to continue to support our school as it is a central part of our local community.  I am the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) link governor, and the Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee.  I work as an educational psychologist, and am one of the Senseis at a local karate group.

John Purcell (Co-Opted Governor)

I was a parent governor for 8 years and was then appointed as a co-opted governor. All three of my children passed through Sandhurst and 2 are now at university  and the other is currently in Sixth Form. I joined the governing body with particular interest in financial matters having worked for a bank for 34 years. As governor, I have chaired the Resources Committee for the last 10 years. Outside of school, my time is taken up supporting my children’s sporting interests with both boys playing rugby and cricket and my daughter playing netball. In addition, I am the treasurer of Catford & Cyphers Cricket Club.

Beryl Roberts (Co-Opted Governor)

I have been a governor at Sandhurst for many years, ever since my three boys went through the school and I feel very privileged to have been a part of it and seen how Sandhurst School has developed and improved. I am also a governor of a secondary school and lead a cub pack in the local area.


Allison Parkinson (Co-Opted Governor)

My name is Allison Parkinson. I am a writer, children’s author and illustrator. I became a Parent Governor in 2013 and I am now a Co-opted Governor and a Link Governor for maths and the curriculum. I feel really proud to be part of a true community school which is constantly striving to ensure that all of our children are happy, well-rounded, supported and inspired.

Paul Cooke (Parent Governor)

Hi there, my name is Paul Cooke and I have been a parent at Sandhurst Primary for the past 10 years.  All 3 of my children have attended the school, my two sons having recently left, and my daughter Roisin, who is currently in year 5. 

The school has played a massive part in my life over these years and continues to do so.  I have been a Governor at the School for the past 8 years (3 years was served before the School was merged) and it has been a thoroughly rewarding part of my life. I have been heavily involved, with a few Dads, in the creation of the SanDads, and with that various events that we have held over the past years, most notably, the Fireworks. 

In my role as a Governor I have supported, advised and worked with the school on a number of projects including the merger of the schools, bringing the before and after school care ‘in-house’ from external contractors, the procurement of a better catering supplier, efficient management of the cleaners, HR guidance and trying to maintain a healthy budget. 

Outside of school I run and own a business that employs 100 people and believe that I can bring my knowledge and experience from this to the Governors role and support whenever needed, or indeed, hold to account where appropriate.
I feel that a Governors role should question, support, listen and advise whenever they can to ensure it is the best learning environment for all of our children.

Alana Ajani (Parent Governor)

My name is Alana, I have two sons, the eldest is in Year 4. I am currently a member of the PTA committee and have a really strong desire to help Sandhurst Primary continue to be a place where our children are given the best possible opportunity to discover and maximise their full potential irrespective of their colour, class, background or ability.  As a parent governor, I want to represent the views of parents – not just my own.  So, I work hard at being accessible and do all that I can to communicate effectively with you all. On behalf of all parents I am fully committed to the work of the governing body and support the drive towards attaining high standards in all aspects of school life, always with the interests of our children at heart.  As a parent governor (and a mum!) my biggest hope is that at the end of their journey at Sandhurst, our children will not only have accessed a great education but also emerge as happy, healthy, confident young people.

Naomi (Parent Governor)

I have children in Year 3 and Year 5. My professional background is in family therapy and children’s services. I have experience of working alongside schools and of offering supportive challenge when needed to uphold the needs of children and families. I have particular interests in inclusivity, diversity and emotional wellbeing. I am enjoying the chance to blend my professional experience with my affection for our school community. I want to help ensure all our children have the best possible opportunities to enjoy school, feel valued, connected and thereby to thrive in their learning. I am the link governor for Well Being.

Lorraine Poyser (Co-Opted Governor)

My name is Lorraine Poyser I am on the Sandhurst Primary School Governing body as Support staff governor. I am joint well-being Governor additional I have trained to undertake Safer Recruitment responsibilities. Currently I am a Teaching Assistant in year 6. I have worked at Sandhurst Primary School since 2014, although I have worked in Lewisham schools since 2001. I have Jointly run the Change4Life lunchtime club. I have also been lucky enough to support year 5 on their annual school residential trip. I am a qualified First aider, Youth Mental health first aider, also a Zumba Instructor. During my time at Sandhurst I have found many opportunities to use my love of Dance and choreography skills. I hold a staff Zumba class. I have facilitated our schools Dance performance at the Broadway Theatre – As part of the yearly Lewisham Live Dance festival. I have Worked with the School council to provide whole-school and early years Zumba Sessions for Sports relief. I absolutely love being part of the Sandhurst Family.  As staff we work hard to challenge our children.  I feel we go the extra mile at Sandhurst to give children a rounded and enriched educational experience.

Richard Johnson (Co-opted Governor)

I was previously a parent governor at Sandhurst Primary School, with a daughter who had been at the school since Reception.

I am really happy to do my part to help the school achieve the best it can for all its pupils, particularly those with special educational needs, particularly in these trying times where the school needs support from everyone with an interest in seeing it do as well as possible.

I have lived in Lewisham for over 17 years, mainly working as a tax advisor in the City, so it is good to be on the other side of the table for once and to bring skills to help the school and the leadership team manage its way to keep the school the warm, welcoming place it’s always been for us. 

Andrea Antoniades (Staff Governor)

My name is Andrea Antoniades and I have worked at Sandhurst Primary School as a full time and part time teacher since 1989. At present I am a Year 6 teacher, the RE coordinator and a member of the humanities team. As part of my role I have organized visits to local places of worship and invited representatives from local faith communities into our school. I have a keen interest in music and enjoy helping Mrs Christie with the school choir. I have enjoyed working at Sandhurst for may years and I am enjoying my role as a teacher governor.

Tracy Kemp (Co-opted Governor)

Hi, I am Tracy Kemp. I have been a key stage one and two teacher in Lewisham for 34 years. I worked at Sandhurst for the last 9 years of my career and loved every minute. I have now retired and am really happy that I have been co-opted on to the Sandhurst Primary School Governing Board. I am on the teaching and learning committee and am responsible for website compliance and data. You will still see me around the school quite often, but now as a volunteer.

Alhaji Bangura (Co-Opted Governor)

I graduated from the University of Manchester and the University of Salford with a degree in Environmental Technology and Real Estate and Property Management respectively.

As a result of my long passion for education, I am a STEM ambassador and Enterprise Advisor. This has enabled me to contribute to my community to help shape our future leaders. 

I am kind and considerate. I am genuine, and people can see that I am authentic and honest. I am a hard worker and am always ready to learn new skills. Putting in the extra effort to achieve my goals is imperative.

Alex Pemberton (Parent Governor)

My name is Alex Pemberton and I am a parent governor with a young child at the school. I work for a major charity where I work with scientists and universities to ensure that their research is of the highest quality and has largest impact for patients. I trained as a researcher before working in publishing and for the Medical Research Council. As well as bringing an understanding of science and medicine, I have experience working with budgets, HR etc which I hope I can use to help the school continue to flourish. I have lived in the area for over 10 years and away from work have a particular interest in sport and natural history.


Laure Farret (Parent Governor)

Hello my name is Laure Farret and I am a parent governor with a child in Key stage 1. I work for a local government body as a principal officer overseeing large skills and employment projects.
I have worked for two decades in the public sector, here and in France and I am excited to use my stakeholder management and programme management skills to contribute to the school ongoing development.
I love singing and music in general and I’ve been part of a local choir for nearly 10 years.

To know more about the structure of our Governing Board click on the link below:


Sandhurst Primary Governor Details 2023


Governors Register of Interests 2023




How we support the school


We support Sandhurst Primary School’s vision, values, and ethos by making many important decisions about the school, including setting the budget each year and monitoring all areas of school life.
We are also responsible for the appointment of the headteacher.


We meet at least once every term as a full group (Board) and also meet termly in our committees. We have two main committees: the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Resources Committee. Both report back on a termly basis to the full Governing Board.


Minutes of all meetings are available for public inspection. For further details contact our school office.


We are very involved in the life of our school and arrange regular visits to monitor key aspects such as health and safety, school improvement priorities or the impact of new initiatives.


If you have any comments or questions or if you would like us, as governors, to help you with anything, please do get in touch. The best way to reach us is through the school office.


Join us


It’s incredibly rewarding to be a Sandhurst Primary School Governor. If you are interested in taking on this important role and joining our Governing Board, please contact: http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/getinvolved/influence/school-governors/pages/default.aspx to find out if there are any vacancies.




Letter from the Governors 

May 2024


Statement of Behaviour Principles

May 2024