Teacher: What did you enjoy most about this game?
“That we got to work as a team!”

Physical Education
Physical Education (PE) at Sandhurst is about developing active and healthy children. Our focus is developing the whole child, so that every pupil feels included, supported and challenged. We want all pupils at Sandhurst to have a positive relationship with physical activity for life.
Leading a healthy lifestyle is an important part of our school’s philosophy and we are currently applying for Healthy School’s status. We have introduced a ‘Playground Friends’ scheme which provides opportunities for all children in Key Stage 2 to be active during lunchtimes, all of which contributes towards their daily ’60 active minutes’, as recommended by the Government.
Our Aims
At Sandhurst Primary, we recognise the importance of PE. We aim to deliver a high-quality curriculum that is fun, inclusive and inspires all children to challenge themselves as well as providing opportunities for them to succeed both in and outside of school.
In accordance with the aims of the national curriculum for physical education, we ensure that EVERY child will:
- be physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
- develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, sport and life.
In addition to this, PE at Sandhurst provides a natural opportunity for the children to put into practise the school values; honesty, respect, fairness and perseverance. We also strive to give our children opportunities to represent themselves and our school during inter and intra school competitions throughout the year.

At Sandhurst, the P.E curriculum is taught through the use of the REAL PE scheme of learning. Real P.E is a progressive programme designed to include, challenge and support the fundamental movement skills at all ages and abilities. Through Real P.E, the children are able to develop their personal, social, physical, cognitive, creative and health and fitness skills. We are a REAL Legacy school and also deliver other REAL PE programmes including REAL Gym and REAL Dance. We also have further plans to implement REAL Leaders and REAL Play this academic year.
All learning is in-line with the National Curriculum and constructed to maximise quality of learning and outcomes:
KS1 – Team Games (Outdoor PE), REAL P.E (Indoor PE)
KS2 – The PE Hub (Outdoor PE), REAL P.E (Indoor PE)
Physical Education Schemes at Sandhurst
REAL PE lessons follow a structure:
- Warm-up
- Introduction of skill and practice of skill
- Skill application through an organised game
- Review Method / Plenary
All lessons follow a clear pathway with defined, relevant knowledge and skills. Opportunities to revisit key skills are included, which ensure further practice and refinement.
Every class has two hours of high quality physical education every week. All of these sessions are taught by class teachers. Skill application through an organised game
In Year 4, the children develop their swimming skills at a local swimming pool, through two-week intensive courses.
We offer a huge variety of after-school sports clubs run by teaching staff and outside agencies. We regularly monitor club attendance and will often send out personal invites to children who we feel would benefit most from additional activities.
Community Sport
We have been members of the Lewisham School Games Programme for over 10 years. This membership enables children to regularly compete in a range of sports with other local schools.
Sport in the community is very important to us. Our PTA organise exciting additional events for the children. We have participated in the Get Set to Tokyo active challenge and plan to participate in this challenge again ahead of Paris Olympics in 2024. We regularly share sports information through our weekly newsletter, Twitter platform and website. We have strong links with a number of local sports clubs/teams.
Next steps for Sandhurst
We are in the process of launching ‘Real Play’ this academic year. This scheme aims to engage parents of EYFS pupils in our school community and to support physical activity and ‘play’ in the home. This support will help families to embed the philosophy of Real PE’s values, which will in time have a positive impact on the whole child and their development.
Sandhurst P.E Kit
All children must wear suitable PE kit to ensure that they are able to move freely and safely. Children are expected to keep their P.E kits, in a named bag, on their peg outside their classroom.
Before lessons, long hair must be tied back and only studded earrings may be worn.
Indoor P.E Kit |
Outdoor P.E Kit |
Reception |
White T-shirt or polo shirt |
KS1/2 |
White T-shirt or polo shirt |
White T-shirt or polo shirt |
Click here to explore our P.E. Whole School Overview