Sandhurst Primary School is a multicultural and multifaith school, where diversity is celebrated and welcomed in an inclusive environment for all pupils. Religion and religious beliefs are part of many children’s everyday experiences. Religious Education provides an opportunity to celebrate and foster awareness of these differences within our school and the wider community. We believe that Religious Education encourages children to grow with the knowledge, skills, sensitivity and understanding to develop as confident and productive members of a multifaith society.
Lewisham Agreed Syllabus
Religious Education is not part of the National Curriculum and therefore is not subject to statutory orders. Instead, each Local Authority is required to establish a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) to advise schools on matters concerning RE. The RE curriculum at Sandhurst Primary School is based on the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2018).
Our aims in teaching RE at Sandhurst Primary School are that children:
- develop a positive and tolerant attitude towards other people and show respect for their right to hold different beliefs than their own
- develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other major faiths and non-religious world views
- develop an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures
- develop the ability to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences in the light of their study
Teaching and Learning
At Sandhurst Primary School we follow the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus for Education. RE is taught in half-termly units. Where possible RE is integrated into topic themes and assemblies and school celebrations are used to supplement learning. The Agreed Syllabus is divided into two areas – Learning about Religion and Learning from Religion.
In EYFS, children learn through role-play, storytelling and taking part in their own celebrations. They look at similarities and differences between their own celebrations and those of other religions.
In Key Stage 1, children learn about:
- Christianity
- Islam
- Hinduism
- The Natural World
- Weddings or Sharing Food
- Right and Wrong
- Belonging/Who am I?
In Key Stage 2, children continue to build on their knowledge acquired in KS1 as well as being introduced to:
- Buddhism
- Sikhism
- Judaism
- Peace
- The Journey of Life and Death
- Understanding Faith and Beliefs in Lewisham
RE KS1/KS2 Overview
RE Scheme of Learning